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Original stock IIC I2C level conversion module 5-3v system compatible with 2/4 sensor modules
Manufacturer Product Number
IIC I2C level conversion module
Package Condition
Original stock IIC I2C level conversion module 5-3v system compatible with 2/4 sensor modules
Product Descriptions:
The IC I2C level conversion module is compatible with 5-3v systems. Can be used in conjunction with our store module
AVCC connected to 5V system power supply
ASCL connected to 5V system SCL
ASDA connected to 5V system SDA
AGND connected to 5V system GND
BVCC connected to 3V system power supply
BSCL connected to 3V system SCL
BSDA connected to 3V system SDA
BGND connected to 3V system GND
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